Fourth SE4Y newsletter
The 4th SE4Y newsletter covers SE4Y Help Desk and the final meeting and conference of the project held in Iceland in 3rd and 4th August
SE4Y (Social Entrepreneurship for youth) aims to support young people who want to
learn and grow both professionally and personally by caring for others and their environment. Intellectual Outputs (IOs) of the project include a Roadmap, training and a Help Desk for social entrepreneurship.
For creating a social enterprise in 10 steps, handbook and training videos
Training and presenting best practices and processes for social innovation in 6 modules
Tool box for social entrepreneurs and trainers, including relevant resources, links training and support and communication platforms
The 4th SE4Y newsletter covers SE4Y Help Desk and the final meeting and conference of the project held in Iceland in 3rd and 4th August
In the third newsletter you can find stories of young entrepreneurs participating in the SE4Y learning, teaching and training activity in Lithuania in end of
The SE4Y final conference and multiplier event will be held in collaboration with Vaxandi-center for social innovation at the University of Iceland. the venue is
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